A closer look at iris distil arguments

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In the previous section, we saw that there are several arguments which specify the job you are submitting to iris, including your chosen model/dataset pair and the task you want to carry out.

Required arguments:

All iris jobs require the following (syntax-agnostic!) arguments :

  1. --model (-m): str

    The model which you wish to fine-tune/optimise, in one of three forms.

  2. --dataset (-d): str

    The dataset which you wish to use for fine-tuning and optimisation, in one of three forms.

  3. --task (-t): str

    Which task to compress the model with consideration of. Currently supported tasks are sequence_classification , question_answering , token_classification.See here for more information on tasks.

  4. --name -(n): str

    The name of the experiment.

    This name will become the title of the experiment on the ‘Dashboard’ and ‘Models’ tabs in the TitanHub, prefixed by an iris-assigned ID. For example, the example job we posted earlier would be titled 183-test_experiment under ‘Models.’

Optional arguments:

The following additional named arguments are optional. Some of them only apply to particular tasks or datasets.

Dataset specification

These arguments can be used to specify how your dataset should be ingested.

  • --subset (-ss): str Required if and only if your dataset has a subset.

    Also known as a config on HuggingFace. For example, if glue is the dataset, mrpc, mnli and rte are possible subsets.

  • --train-split-name (-tsn): str The name of the subsplit containing the training data. The default is 'train'. For example, if you wanted to train on the emotion dataset, you could provide the split subsplit to train on, with -tsn split

  • --val-split-name (-vsn): str The name of the subsplit containing the validation data. The default is 'validation'. For example, if you wanted to train on the tiny_shakespeare, you could provide the validation subsplit to train on, with -vsn validation, or you could validate on the test set with -vsn test.

Task specific arguments

These arguments are used for specific tasks.

  • --num-labels (-nl): int.

    Required if and only iftask=sequence_classification

    This indicates the number of classification labels used. For regression tasks, this should be 1.

  • --label-names (-ln): int:str.

    Required if task=token_classification, optional if task=sequence_classification

    This indicates the labelled classes into which your tokens/sequences are to be classified. Specify as a mapping with no spaces: -ln 0:label1 -ln 1:label2 and so on.

  • --text-fields (-tf): str

    Required if task=sequence_classificationor if task=language_modelling This indicates which columns in the dataset is the 'input' column. For sequence classification, multiple text fields can be tokenized together: for example, GLUE/RTE, -tf hypothesis -tf context. For language modelling, indicates the column that contains the text to be modeled. For example, for tiny_shakespeare, use, -tf text

  • --has-negative (-hn): bool

    Required if and only if task=question_answering

    Iris assumes by default that the dataset you use for question-answering only contains questions which are answerable from context. If this is not the case, you will need to use the --has_negative flag to indicate t your metrics are split along questions that have an answer and those that do not. If you are using SQuAD-v2, iris will automatically affix the flag.

Miscellaneous arguments

  • --short-run (-s) This flag indicates that training is only to be run for a couple of batches (so results will of course be much less accurate if an experiment is run with this flag). Use it if you need a quick way to check that the end-to-end pipeline is working.

  • --file (-f): filepath If you specify your experiment parameters (i.e. all of the iris post commands required for your experiment) in a .yaml file and pass the path into iris post, Iris can read the file and set up an experiment with your desired parameters. You may want to use it for tasks such as token classification which take a lot of arguments. Using filepath obviates the need for other arguments.

  • --json (-j) Whether to output json from iris's commands. Default is false.

Next, we'll look at some examples of how to use iris distil for different use-cases.

Last updated